The Little Gems show by PAWA (Plein Air Washington Artists) is hanging at Scott Milo Gallery until the end of June. This show is very special. If you prefer the landscape you will love the pieces hanging. Some of the master painters have work in this show. Robin Weiss, Ned Mueller, Melanie Thompson, to name a few. I actually got an award for "Vestiges of Winter". Thanks to Mitch Baird our juror.
Above are 4 of my latest pieces. I visited the Botanical Gardens more than one time ha! You can visit my gallery at Daily Paintworks to see what's available right now.
On the first week of June I was fortunate to attend the IAPS Convention (International Association of Pastels societies) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It's the most important pastel event in the world. An international exhibit, demonstrations by masters of pastel, workshops, gala and even the pastel vendors from all over the world all in one place. You can easily leave your wallet at this pastel fair. I met some special artists for the first time including Tony Allain, Alain Picard, Kim Lordierand Aurelio Rodriguez Lopez! Click on their names to see their amazing paintings.
Last but not least, when I got back home, faced with reality, I re organized all the furniture and set up a second easel to allow for more room to work. Thanks for reading!